Nature's Gold Mix - 90 day supply

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Each 2000g bag of Nature's Gold Mix is a 90 day supply of product.

Nature's Gold Mix is a mix of the popular Breakthru Food´s balanced and practical combination of:

The proprietary processing of the Super Dense Nutrition in Breakthru Technology food products contains the massive stabilized amounts of all natural enzymes plus the anti-oxidants and proteins to clean and rebuild the body. It is important to use potent, plant based enzymes available individually as well, as a complex of sucrase, lactase, protease, amylase, lipase, cellulose, and maltase and prebiotics. All these are available in Nature’s Gold Mix with a 97% digestibility.

What makes Nature’s Gold Mix Unique?

  • NO GMO;
  • 100% Beyond Organic;
  • Raw, Sprouted, Whole, Organically grown and Processed;
  • Increased Digestibility from 5% to 97%;
  • Nutrient Dense Food;
  • Complemented with a healthy mix of Prebiotics and Lignan Gold.

 A Well Balanced Bio-Machine

Rest and nutrients are the key words here to consider. Dense Nutrition like Barley Gold or Nature’s Gold Mix enhances and supports the immune system. Even the best athletes know to have rest days between training. For every day of intense training there are 2 to 3 days of immune suppression. With ingesting the massive nutrients of Nature’s Gold Mix it provides for complete body regeneration of organs, bone, tendons and muscle.  Thus increasing strength and stamina.   This allows one to train and maintain the strengthachieved ontraining days while on rest days.

Nutrients In -- Toxins Out

Do you know that the intestinal functions need to be regenerated? The average person’s intestine starts to die at the age of 25. Nature’s Gold Mix contains the largest natural source of glutathione, which is needed to regenerate this organ. Have you been trying to reduce cravings? We know they usually lead to unhealthy choices. When the communication system in the body, the eicosanoid metabolism, starts to function correctly, food cravings change instantly.

  Enzymes - Rebuild and Rejuvenate

Muscles need specific nutrients to heal. The protein and enzymes help to rebuild and rejuvenate. Dr. Max Wolf M.D. and Ph.D. of Colombia University found that as we age or are under stress we deplete our body’s production of enzymes. He attributes age related changes directly to lower quantities of enzymes. 40 years of use and over 160 peer reviewed studies affirming this is why systemic enzymes are the second best-selling over the counter preparation in Germany.

Natural systemic or metabolic enzymes, over four thousand, are absorbed into the blood from food that is eaten. Metabolic enzymes help organs perform functions quicker and more efficiently. Digestive enzymes, also in meals, are necessary to properly digest food for the building blocks for tissue regeneration. Many so called diseases or syndromes can be alleviated with daily Super Dense Nutrition.

The proprietary processing of the Nature’s Gold Mix in Breakthru Technology food products contain the massive stabilized amounts of all natural enzymes plus the anti-oxidants and proteins to clean and rebuild the body. It is important to use potent, plant based enzymes available individually as well, as a complex of sucrase, lactase, protease, amylase, lipase, cellulose, and maltase and both pre and probiotics. All these are available in Nature’s Gold Mix with a 97% digestibility.

 Oath to Health

Once on the program one is able to speed up the healing process the body needs from ailments and intense training. Since this product is food, utilizing it daily ensures health and reversing of many aging symptoms.  Misunderstandings or just failing to maintain one’s body’s nutritional demands of one’s chosen lifestyle exacerbates these issues.

It has been known for thousands of years that food, with the highest nutritional value is taken from plants that first have been allowed to ripen, harvested and then consumed immediately. Vine ripened, freshly harvested fruits and vegetables contain up to one hundred and twenty times more nutritional value compared to foods that have been harvested green for logistic purposes.  Capturing vine ripened produce, then stabilizing this potential, is one of the secrets of Breakthru foods.

Furthermore, seeds amazingly have up to four hundred times more nutrients compared to the same weight of plant material, however, only a small percentage of it is digestible. Breakthru Technology’s Nutrient Stabilization Process allows for 97% digestibility, making these nutrients easily and readily available for one´s body to assimilate. 

Ensure the best nutrition for yourself and your loved ones to enjoy and awaken a rich, new, healthy lifestyle.

"Good food is good medicine and the best foods are the best medicines" 

                                                                ~ HIPPOCRATES   (Father of  modern medicine)

 **Smoothie recipes available 


Teacher with more Energy and Clearness

Rita G. – Kapuskasing


Here's my testimonial:

Since I have been taking Nature's Gold, I have more energy and my head and my vision is clearer.  I know the toxins are coming out and I know I am getting the very best nutrition. Thanks to Nature's Gold I have been able to do my work which is very demanding

Insomnia and Fibromyalgia

Gloria – Kapuskasing


For years now, my 19 year old daughter was always tired and slept approximately 3 to 4 hours every night. She simply could not fall asleep but there was school the next day. It seemed she could never catch up. I have seen the doctor many times and he kept saying there was nothing wrong with her, but I knew there was. I was desperate; something had to be done. I finally went to see you with her. You put her on Nature’s Gold, TNT, Zambroza, Protein powder, and Chlorophyll.


This is a little over a week and I can see changes already. She is now actually going to bed at around 11:00p.m. Needless to say, she is not as tired in the morning.


I decided to go on Nature’s Gold myself at the same time as her. I had to take a snooze every afternoon but now it seems I don’t have to anymore. My hips used to hurt a great deal (because of Fibromyalgia). The pain is slowly subsiding. I had not had a normal bowel movement for at least 6 months bbut now I’m back to normal.


I cannot thank you enough. You really made a difference in both our lives.


Paul B.- Sudbury


My mother swears by it. Can't take that away from her. Her arthritis in her neck has completely disappeared.


Amazing healing effects

Marilyn - Kapuskasing

I have experimented with Nature´s Gold and discovered that if only natural foods, the healing effects of 97% pure barley can enhance the amount you can take into the body. It seems “the Gold” does not have to work as hard to heal when the body has been supplied with natures’ natural foods. It is worth the effort to give this a try as you may be pleasantly surprised at the amazing results you may encounter.

Less knee pain and improvement with glaucoma

John – Peterborough


I have terrible knees which it makes it very hard to walk and I have 4 flights of steps to go up to my apt. Not long on the Nature´s Gold, I had less pain in my knees and am able to walk better up the steps. I also have Glaucoma. I went to the Dr. for my checkup who said that my Glaucoma had improved, and asked me what I was doing. I said nothing, and then I came home and realized that the only thing that I was doing different was adding the Gold to my diet. The Dr. was very surprised.



Lupus and knee pain

Dan and Nicole C.


I’ve been taking Nature´s Gold since January.  I have Lupus so I didn’t have much energy before.

This gave me back some energy and clearer thinking.

My husband has also been taking it and it has helped him with the pain in his knees, he can do his job better now.



Cravings reduced, stronger physically and emotionally

Marie-Paule B. – Welland, Ont


I started to take Nature’s Gold at the end of Dec. 2005 using dosage as directed, but at a slow pace.  Within a week, I released a lot of water. Then I started to feel physically and emotionally stronger, and my eating habits changed as I no longer craved sweets, junk food or dairy and I gave up red meat. It took me 2 ½ months to get to the full dosage. After using Nature´s Gold for 3 months, I experienced water in my left ear and pain in different parts of my body (kidneys cleaning out and healing reactions). I lowered the dosage and the frequency until that part was complete. At the moment my body will only tolerate 1 tablespoon about every 2-3 days and each time I take it I feel so much stronger at all levels. My body actually craves it. I have lost 20 lbs since I started it and it has helped me with depression and over all good feeling.



Can now exercise and Reduced Cravings

Kandy H. – Lively, Ontario

I started taking Nature´s Gold and noticed the pain in my knees less to the point I can now kneel on them which I couldn’t do before. I can now exercise and do an exercise video which is truly amazing as I wasn’t able to even get up off the ground before. I have increased energy, and when I don’t take it, I have cravings and now I am not stuffing things into me.


Irritable Bowels

B Y- Toronto

I have found that within 2 weeks of using Nature’s Gold, I have experienced significantly less pain and bowel movements are more regular. Bowels don’t seem to be as hypersensitive to foods.


Chronic Constipation

N. P. – Hamilton

I have found that my bowel movements have increased from 3 x a week to 3 x a day in only one month of using the Nature´s Gold. I have had many compliments that my skin looks really good and “ you look different I don’t know why, you just look different” comments.



Anna M. – Ancaster


I was diagnosed as having acute Osteoarthritis. I was scheduled with the specialist to have fragments removed from my knee. I began taking Nature´s Gold on my daughter’s advice and began experiencing less pain as the days went by. Within 6 weeks, I was 90% pain free and could walk again.


Toe Numbness, Migraines and Acid Reflux

E & J - Kapuskasing


I have had an Irritable Bowel for years to the point of 8 x a day, along with migraines for years on a daily basis. I have also had numbness in the toes for the last 10 years. Since I have been on Nature´s Gold, the Bowel Movements have decreased to 3 times. My migraines are less than half and my toe numbness is gone. I will not go off the Nature´s Gold.


I have noticed that my burping and Acid Reflux is gone when I take Nature´s Gold. It is wonderful.

Eating less

Roberta V. – Hamilton


I have been on the Natre´s Gold now for 6 months and I have noticed a huge difference in the amount of food that my body requires in order to be satisfied. I am putting the same amount of food on my plate but being able to finish it. This is a great incentive for those who want to lose weight as you need fewer calories thru the day as Nature´s Gold is flooding your body with so much nutrition.


Arthritis Sufferer

Maria F.- Hamilton


I began taking Nature´s Gold 5 months ago. Before that, I had an extremely difficult time even getting up in the morning. I was on medication every day for the pain. I was hardly able to walk and not able to touch my toes and had to get someone else to tie my shoes. Now I am walking with a bounce in my step. I get up in the morning with a lot more ease. I rarely take pain medication throughout the day and I am able to tie my shoelaces again which is awesome for me.


Arthritis with damaged neck

Marcella M. - Ancaster


After the first week of taking Nature’s Gold, my arthritis had ultimately changed. The fall and winter months are the most unbearable. I have been taking Nature’s Gold for a couple of months now and have not experienced any arthritis pain. I have tried all forms of treatment with no success until Nature´s Gold. I am very amazed as are so many others.



Collette D. – Sudbury


I have been working with Cleo D for a few years trying to help him with relief from arthritis.  Even though he was feeling better in other areas of his health, the pain was always there. After Nature´s Gold was out, I asked Cleo to try it for his arthritis. He took one jar and said he finally had relief from his poor bones. He is very pleased with Nature´s Gold and is still using it.



For the Dog and the Entire Family

D. and L.  – Hearst


Spike has been taking Nature´s Gold and for a 9 year old dog, he is more energetic. He used to sleep a lot. Now he is more playful and very energetic when walking. His appetite is better and sometimes will not eat his food unless Nature´s Gold is on it.

As for myself, I am feeling a lot better, more energetic, and less sick with cold and flues. My arthritis and bones is less painful and I eat less when I take it 2 x a day. My colon therapist is amazed at my wife and me with our colon treatments. She says it is not like any colonic treatment she has seen, it is totally different with deep cleansing. This product is totally amazing.


Loss of Weight without Trying

Caroline W. - Kap


I was taking Nature´s Gold for a couple of months and I noticed my cravings had decreased on wanting junk food. People asked what was I doing, as I lost 27 lbs. I didn’t know. Then I went off Nature´s Gold for a month. The cravings came back and I quickly went back to taking it again.


BREAKTHRU TECHNOLOGY and its affiliate companies, directors, officials, shareholders,  employees and affiliated distributors are not medical doctors and do not provide medical advice for the products discussed herein.  For medical advice, please consult your medical practitioner.  Further, these products or the above mentioned participants do not intend to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.